A question was posed to me by a friend for her blog and I thought I’d share it with you also…Why do I like to write fantasy….
Simple, then I don’t look so odd for answering the voices in my head! I mean, really, what non-fiction writer can say they can create a story about the conversations going on inside their head? I’m not aware of any, and if they said they did then I’d probably be very worried…
Now us fiction/fantasy writers we’re a unique group. It’s not everyone that can create something out of nothing. Yup, that’s right, I create stories from my imagination and I can have my characters say and do anything. They can be a strong female heroine that has powers, perhaps she can wield lightning bolts or maybe she can read minds… Oh boy, I get goose bumps just thinking about it! I can have my characters in the real world or they can live in a world I randomly create.
I can look at something as simple as a blue dum dum sucker and a pencil and create a unique story about a young boy coming from a blue planet that figures out he has special powers… he levitates his pencil from his desk while staying after school for detention. A plot can be developed as he thinks there are people chasing him, wanting him for his powers. His parents suddenly disappear… yup, could write a whole story off of something as simple as a sucker and a pencil.
I mean really… who’d want to write anything else but fantasy???
I know some people who think it is strange I can paint a picture with nothing but my imagination, but then I think it is strange because they can't 🙂
Also, words have no budget so why should you limit them with your imagination
I totally agree!
You certainly have good taste in Blog backdrop and text colour by the way 😉
Thanks, it's ever evolving!
Love the picture, and the thought behind it. I love fantasy. It's the ultimate freedom of expression.