A piece of history – 1944 Postcard

Sometimes we forget about things, our family history, what our past generations held near and dear to their heart, and then sometimes we are reminded because of the actions of certain people who want to make sure that an individual piece of history is returned to its family.

After my grandfather passed away, like most estate’s, things are sorted out and sometimes lost. Well in the case of my grandfather, a stack of handwritten letters to my grandmother somehow vanished. The chances are pretty high that they were left in a trunk, or dresser or another item that was sold. As heartbreaking as it is when pieces of sentimental value are lost, sometimes they are returned.

A few months ago I received a message on my website from a woman named, Margy, who had found such an item in a vintage shop–a postcard from my grandfather addressed to my grandmother dated December 1944 while he was in training at Fort Branding before he was deployed in World War II. Margy and her husband Chip worked tirelessly trying to locate the family members to return the postcard. And by luck, they found me, the granddaughter.

I was so excited when the postcard arrived in the mail, and equally excited about sharing it with my Dad for his birthday. I wasn’t sure exactly what kind of reaction my dad would have, but I think I was blessed more by Margy and Chip’s actions when I saw how my Dad reacted.

Take a look for yourself and you’ll see that sometimes, something as small or simple as this, will make a bigger impact than imagined.

And if that isn’t enough, hearing and seeing it first hand will choke you up too. Especially when he first thought it was a joke. And the fact that my grandfather referenced my dad in the second sentence is priceless. He was 4 years old at the time. He also was practical as he was telling my grandma he would return the iron he didn’t need after all. Makes me chuckle.

I always love a happy ending and this was one of them. Happy Birthday, Dad!


3 thoughts on “A piece of history – 1944 Postcard”

  1. Lisa, this is just beautiful. I tried to do something bang very similar for my Dad in finding out about his Grandfathers time in the war, but unfortunately all the official records kept were burnt during bombing in the Second World War ? I’d like to think it would have had the same response. Much love to you all xx

    1. I’m just so happy Margy & Chip were tireless in their search for finding the children. It meant so much to my dad.

  2. This made me so happy! What a wonderful gift for your dad! Give your mom and dad a hug for me 🙂

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