The person I was always meant to be…

Sometimes, some days, you just need a reminder that you’re not there yet. That you’re still growing, still learning and still becoming the person you were always meant to be even if you’re forty-eight years old–you still haven’t made it.


If I could have looked into the future to see what I would become, I wouldn’t have become the person I was always meant to be. ~lw

It’s a quote from book, one, Cheyenne, my quote, as it’s not only meaningful to my character, Cheyenne but significant to myself as well. Why do you ask? Well, let me tell you…

Seven years ago I hadn’t even thought about writing–nope, not even once. You see I’m dyslexic, reading, writing, it all comes as a challenge to me. Hence why I have a good editor, but the creativity, yeah, that part is easy.

Seven years ago I hadn’t picked up a book to read in sixteen long years yet alone thought about writing one. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy reading, I just lacked the time with working full-time, running my own accounting business, volunteering my time at church and school, and raising a family. Life got in the way.

But then seven years ago, March of 2009 something changed. It was as if the life I knew came to a screeching halt and I’d never felt so lost in my entire life. My husband had seen it coming, was waving the yellow flags telling me the bridge was out, but I kept chugging along telling him I could jump it but instead crumbled into a heap at the bottom of a deep dark and daunting canyon.

It took me three months to figure a way out of that ravine, and then another seven years to crawl out and stand at the top only to see the mountain still in front of me.

Writing is what consoled me, allowed me to pour out all those bottled up emotions and release them onto the pages for you to enjoy. So those ups and downs, those heartbreakingĀ and happy moments in the story? I. Felt. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

I cried, I laughed, and I knew the effects of a broken heart.

I’m still not the person I was always meant to be, but I’m getting closer every day. What about you? Have you faced struggles you didn’t understand? Have you changed in the last seven years too?