Timeless Series Novels: Ah, good question…. I’ll give you the short version here since I’m limited on space for a reply. It started with me going through a really bad time in my life. I’m a crazy driven person, that’s my husbands words not mine. I just don’t know when to stop and smell the roses so to speak. I pushed myself for too long and paid the price dearly for it. Long story short, I fell into a depression and after a 15 year absence of reading anything for fun, I began reading again trying to find myself. What happened next was completely unexpected, I got inspired. I was out shopping and came across the Servak rink (the squiggly one) and thought that there could be something deeper here. I began formulating a story in my head and it just sorta all came pouring out. So really, I’m just an accidental writer who found therapy in her work and was able to share it with others.
Kindelle: Thats Awesome!!! And Were Enjoying It Ive Already Read The Other Chapters Twice Now And May Read The Again Tonight! i have to say i didnt think i be able to get into another series after twilight, and i love how there are not vampires only people it’s a awesome twist!!!
Timeless Series Novels: Yes. Each will have their connection with Cheyenne that is different and unique. Callon, Colt and Daniel are all very different characters who will bring depth to the story. Daniel will actually stand out even more in Promises.
Timeless Series Novels: Cheyenne’s been wounded deeply by Callon. She’s fighting it as she feels like she needs to find herself first. There will be a lot that takes place before Cheyenne truly opens up to Callon’s love…
Kindelle: ok ok i know i said the last question for it for the night but i just have to ask one more. why does she let colt off so easy but gives callon a hard time??
Kindelle: Ok then will we see the real callon in promises?
Timeless Series Novels: maybe…. he he he
Kindelle: Not fair
Timeless Series Novels: I just love messing with you darling! 😛
Kindelle: i know u do and here i read and read again again and u dont even give me a lil lol;)
Timeless Series Novels: You make me laugh Kindelle Sudduth! FYI, I mentioned your name to my husband telling him I was interacting with you and he said he thought your name was very pretty. Just thought you should know, maybe a character name someday in a future novel of mine 😀
Kindelle: awww thanks that would be awesome!!!! btw how did u come up with the characters names?
Timeless Series Novels: web searches and Koda, whom you’ll meet briefly at the end of Promises was the name of a neighbors dog. I heard them call out the name and decided then and there I had to have it! Apparently I have a thing for “C” names as my boys names are Coley & Cody. 😛
Kindelle: very aweseome!!!
Timeless Series Novels: The clan names came from me being dyslexic. I’d take names from in the dictionary and use the spelling on some of them the way they sounded them out or the way they sounded to me 😛 Comes in handy sometimes. The names, both clan and individual, for the most part have meanings behind them. Like Tresez (Trices) actually has a dual meaning. 1: that within a thing develops, 2: a binding, a braid, three becoming one.
Timeless Series Novels: The name Alexis means defender.
Kindelle: thats so cool that u do that!! why does callon hold his emotions back from cheyenne?
Timeless Series Novels: lol, you and your questions! I love it! Okay, there is a lot of backstory to Callon that really hasn’t been reveal yet. Callon is very deep and complex and I don’t want to ruin it for you. By the end of the fourth book you’ll have a better insight into his life, promise. 😀
Timeless Series Novels: I know, a vague answer, sorry.
Kindelle: by the fourth book omgosh!!!! lol btw i dont trust maes! something about him hmmmmm…..
I'm secretly hoping for team Colt. 😀
Lol! I'll let Kristen know as she thinks everyone like Kindelle is for Callon. She'll be happy!