Many new fans have boarded the Timeless train and it was brought to my attention that a lot of you would like to know how I pronounce some of the names. I first posted on this in May of 2013, but now I’ve updated it to include names and such up to book six, Deceptions. Keep your eyes posted as I may be adding more to this list as the series finishes up.
I have unique names in the Timeless Series, unique like me…okay, unusual, odd like me is more like it. I typically get asked how I came up with the names, which my reply is: “I’m dyslexic, it was easy. I already have a language of my own anyway.” lol
The second question is: “How do you say that?” So without further ado, here’s your answer.
Character Names:
Adalmund – ad/al/mund
Cheyenne, also
known as Chey (sounds like Shy)
Qaysean – kay/sean
Conall – con/al
Maes – maze / mays
Jasalyn – ja/sa/lynn
Shaena – sh/a/na
Nakari – na/cari
Rayne – rain
Makhi – ma/k/hi
Jorell – jor/ell
Jahlem – jay/lem
Beau – bo
Bleu – blue
Creature Names:
Tresez – trices – try/seas – that
within a thing develops
Sauvages – savages
Clan Names:
Sarac – sar/ack
Sarac – sar/ack
Silloquize – cil/o/quize
Consilador – con/sil/a/door
Laundess – lawn/dess
Servak – ser/vack
Kvech – k/vech
Quaysaar – quay/sar (like the old tv’s)
It’s in those blessed moments where your laughing at yourself, because you’ve been pronouncing everything wrong. lol