I’m sure you’re wondering exactly what site you’ve landed on, as you’ll see posts about books I’m writing, events or promotions taking place, updates on book releases, and posts on DIY, travel, fashion, photography or my random rambling thoughts.
I’m a woman of many talents, your DIY author, and I’ve combined all my blogs into one to make it easier for me, my book fans, and DIY’er fans too.
If you’re a book fan, then stay right here to read and find posts related to books & fantasy by scrolling through them below. Want to know about my books? Then click on MY BOOKS to find out more. If you’re a Lisa’s Scribbles fan and love DIY things, then click on the Lisa’s Scribbles button above to head to Lisa’s Scribbles blog.
I’m hoping this combination of posts will do one of two things. First, make it easier to find me on the web (cuz we all know Wiedmeier isn’t the easiest name to spell), and secondly, make it easier to search one site to find out all the information you desire about my books, and DIY projects.
So take a stroll around, I’m sure you’ll like what you see.